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Reasons Why Weightlifting Can Help With Chronic Joint Pain

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If you struggle with constant pain in your hips, shoulders, knees, and back, the idea of working out might seem out of reach for you. If even walking causes pain, how can you pursue other types of physical exercise? However, if you have a condition that makes joint pain worse, such as ankylosing spondylitis or arthritis, strengthening your muscles can help to reduce the pain. Here are some reasons to consider weightlifting for joint pain. Read More»

4 Techniques for Living with Pain That Won't Go Away

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Being in pain is never pleasant, and even more so if that pain never stops. Living with this type of pain requires you to adapt by using different techniques and strategies that help you live with it in a way that allows you to engage in your everyday life. When it comes to managing chronic pain, you need a multifaceted approach. #1: Join a Pain Support Group Almost everything is easier to get through when you have a support system around you and people who understand you. Read More»

3 Tips For Being Added To The Nurse Aide Directory

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If you work as a nurse aide or if you would like to get a job in the healthcare industry in this position, you may want to be added to your state’s nurse aide directory. After all, this is a good way to show potential employers that you are qualified for a nurse aide job. If you are not currently listed in the nurse aide directory, you may need to follow these steps so that you can have your name and information entered. Read More»

3 Reasons to Work with a Sports Medicine Doctor After an Injury

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Being on the field playing sports is absolutely exhilarating, which is why so many people focus on improving their game. Unfortunately, if you receive one hard hit or you accidentally trip, you could be left with a broken bone, a torn tendon, or even a bad soft tissue injury. Here are three simple reasons to work with a sports medicine doctor after an injury, and why you won’t be sorry you added them to your medical team. Read More»

5 Benefits Of Cryo Facials

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From serums and creams to laser therapy and dermaplaning, there are many products and treatments that are used to improve the look, feel, and underlying health of the skin. All of these products and treatments are beneficial, but you may want a more involved treatment that offers even more advantages. Cryotherapy is becoming a popular option in skincare. Centered on exposing the face to vapors that reach temperatures of minus 200 and minus 300 degrees, these facials do affect the skin in unique ways. Read More»

The Benefits Of Having A Doula

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Doulas are women without formal obstetric training that are hired to help with the labor process. They can also be hired to help with post-partum care after having your child. There are a great number of benefits to hiring a doula. Read on for some of these benefits. Experienced Coaching Sure, you’ll have your partner with you in the birthing room, but if you or your partner hasn’t been through this before, it can be a scary (and exciting) experience. Read More»

Tips For Dealing With A Minor Fever From The Flu

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If you are an otherwise healthy adult, a mild fever due to the flu can typically be handled at home. It may be uncomfortable and make you feel a bit miserable, but it’s not overly dangerous if it is under 103 degrees F. Here are some ways to help bring your fever down, while also dealing with the sweating, irritability, and dehydration that can coincide with a fever. 1. Dress Lightly Read More»

3 Instrumental Tips When Choosing Health Insurance For Optimal Health Care

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One of the most important aspects of health care is choosing health insurance. There are many policies to choose from today, but to narrow down your options and make this process easier to deal with, use these tips.  Search the Appropriate Avenues  You can speed up this entire search process by using the appropriate health insurance avenue. If your employer offers health insurance, then you’ll just need to go through them. Read More»

Does Your Newborn Have A Port Wine Stain? Ask Pediatrician To Evaluate Your Baby For Sturge-Weber Syndrome

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According to research, one in every 300 babies are born with port wine stains. A port wine stain is a birthmark that is deep red due to excessive capillary action and usually not indicative of a more serious health issue. However, usually is the keyword. Sturge-Weber syndrome is a serious medical condition that produces the same birthmark and affects roughly one in every 20,000 births. Sturge-Weber syndrome, also called encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis, can be detrimental to the health and development of your newborn. Read More»

7 Reasons You Should Have A Colonoscopy

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The mere mention of the term “colonoscopy” can send waves of fear down some people’s spines, but it is not nearly as intimidating as it may seem at first thought. In fact, it is an important, rather simple medical procedure that should be a yearly part of health care for most people after the age of 50, and some people may need to start screening even earlier. You should talk to your doctor about getting a colonoscopy if you encounter any of these issues. Read More»