Finding the Perfect Health Care Clinic
For a child with Tourette’s syndrome, several conditions need to be met to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). A Blue Book will be used as a tool that compares the conditions the child has with what is essential to receive the assistance. It is estimated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that approximately 138,000 children from the ages of 6 to 17, or 1 out of every 360, have been diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome. Read More»
Your annual eye exam may be the only time each year that you get to meet with your eye doctor if you’re in good health. So, it’s important to be prepared to make the most out of your visit. Here are some things that you can do to prepare for your eye exam to make it as helpful as possible.
Write Down Problems Ahead of Time
Before your appointment, it can be helpful to make a detailed list of any problems you’ve been having with your eyes. Read More»
Many parents of autistic children can often feel a bit lost because parenting an autistic child creates new difficulties that many parents do not have to experience with children who do not have autism. Fortunately, there are many different forms of therapy that can be used to help an autistic child learn to function well within society. The guide below walks you through a few types of therapy you may want to consider for your autistic child. Read More»
Due to the host of problems that come with aging, many people don’t get want to get older. However, it’s inevitable. In today’s day and age, though, there are a number of things that you can do to help you take control of your life, preserve your independence, build your strength, overcome your pain, and improve your health. In other words, it is possible to age well. Here are a just a few specific ways that physical therapy can actually help you live a better, healthier life as an older adult: Read More»
If you’re scheduled for chemo infusion for the first time since being diagnosed with cancer, you may worry about experiencing nausea during your treatment. Although chemo infusion therapy is one of the most unique ways to treat cancer, it can also make some individuals feel queasy. Doctors administer the medications through your veins by needle or IV, or you may take your medications by mouth. If you’re unused to the medications, you may experience some bouts of nausea. Read More»